In nursing school you are constantly comparing yourself to your peers, if they are doing better and how you should be. I realized that we aren't here to compete, but rather to help each other achieve. I have seen the progression I have made in the semester with: better studying skills, working less, and devoting my "free time" to reading more in depth. I want to keep improving, I want to succeed. Of course I am constantly worried if I won't pass, because I can't imagine losing something so great that has happened to me. This constant worrying I hope will motivate me to keep working hard and improving. Seeing the finish line of this semester is astonishing to me. Where did the time go? I have had the greatest opportunity being surrounded by wonderful faculty and my cohort. I am overflowing with blessings and struggle, I know God placed me here for a reason.
The next three weeks I want to strive to complete all the tasks put before me, efficiently and with the best of my ability. I know it is going to be stressful, but I know if I just dedicate my all then I will be satisfied knowing I tried my best. I love my cohort and my wonderful faculty members for their support. I hope I can return the favor and give them the best support I can.